Tuesday, August 14, 2012

School blah

Today I sit here, just 4 days away from starting my LAST semester in school.  While I am very excited for graduation, I mean I am 30, I hate being away from my house at night.  I have thoughly enjoyed my summer off, first time since I started back.  I don't look forward to anything except being done.  So next Sunday, I will have my bag packed, outfit picked out and in bed by 10....I have to be at work at 7am and a girl needs her beauty sleep.     I will leave my husband sleeping oh so nicely in bed and try not to cuss him while running out the door trying not to be late. Oh geez, I am already tired! hahaha 

On a side note, this summer my sister and I decided to step up our game and dress cute 4 out of 5 days during our work week, thank you pinterest!  I am trying to accessorize more and put together perfect little outfits....only to find out that I am not a size 2 and the outfit doesn't look the same on fat bottom girls make the world go round....I kid I kid, no but seriously the outfits don't look the same!  So I am also doing Weight Watchers AGAIN, hopefully this time I won't fall face first into a plate of stuffed french toast sprinkled in powdered sugar and fresh strawberries....see this is the fat girl that is dying for sweets!! Did I mention that my sister and I gave up sweets for 30 days, you know just for the h e double hockey sticks, no for weight loss but I am dying.  I am in love with sweets almost as much as I am in love with my husband.  I must commend my husband because he hasn't had any sweets either since Aug 1, he is such a good man!  LOVE him! 

Well I better get back to work, or start working today! 


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